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Quick start

To get started with Radon language you can use the built-in REPL or just run the Radon file. Run a Radon file by typing radon -s <filename>.rn in the command line. For example, if you have a file named hello.rn you can run it by typing radon -s hello.rn in the command line.


The REPL is a command line interface that allows you to run Radon code interactively. To start the REPL, just type radon in the command line. You can then type Radon code and it will be executed immediately. To exit the REPL, just type exit() or press Ctrl + Z.

Hello World

The first program that most people write in a new language is the "Hello World" program. This program simply prints the words "Hello World" to the screen. Here is the "Hello World" program in Radon:

print("Hello World")