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Built-in Functions

Types of built-in functions

Built-in functions are the functions that are built into the language. They are used to perform common tasks. In Radon, there are a list of built-in functions that are available to use.

They are:

Utility methods

  • cls() - clears the screen.
  • clear() - clears the screen.
  • exit() - exits the program.

Shell commands

  • help(obj) - get help about any object
  • license() - show project license
  • credits() - show project credits

Same as import statement

  • require() - same as include statement to include a file or library in the current program.

Command line arguments

  • sys_args() - returns the command line arguments.

API methods

  • pyapi(string,ns) - A high-level Python API for Radon. It is used to call Python functions from Radon.

Typecase methods

  • int() - converts any value to an integer.
  • float() - converts any value to a float.
  • str() - converts any value to a string.
  • bool() - converts any value to a boolean.
  • type() - returns the type of the value.

Type checker methods

  • is_num() - returns true if the value is a number, otherwise false.
  • is_int() - returns true if the value is an integer, otherwise false.
  • is_float() - returns true if the value is a float, otherwise false.
  • is_str() - returns true if the value is a string, otherwise false.
  • is_bool() - returns true if the value is a boolean, otherwise false.
  • is_array() - returns true if the value is an array, otherwise false.
  • is_fun() - returns true if the value is a function, otherwise false.

String methods

  • str_len() - returns the length of the string.
  • str_find(string, index) - returns the character at the specified index.
  • str_slice(string, start, end) - returns the substring from the specified start index to the specified end index.

I/O methods

  • print() - prints the specified value to the console.
  • print_ret() - prints the specified value to the console and returns the value.
  • input() - reads a line from the console.
  • input_int() - reads an integer from the console.

Array methods

  • arr_len() - returns the length of the array.
  • arr_push(array, item) - adds an item to the end of the array.
  • arr_pop(array, index) - removes an item from the end of the array.
  • arr_append(array, item) - adds an item to the end of the array.
  • arr_extend(array1, array2) - adds all the items of an array to the end of the array.
  • arr_find(array, index) - returns the item at the specified index.
  • arr_slice(array, start, end) - returns the items from the specified start index to the specified end index.