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Introduction to Modules

Modules are a way to organize code in a way that is easy to reuse, test, and debug. Modules are also called packages, libraries, or frameworks. Modules are used to group related code together. For example, a module can be used to group code that is related to a specific task, such as sending an email. Modules are also used to group code that is related to a specific feature, such as a user interface.

Creating a Module

A module is created by creating a file with the .rn extension. The file name is the name of the module. The name should have to be in Pascal Case PascalCase. The module have to implement the same name class as the file name. The class name should have to be in Pascal Case PascalCase.

class Hello {
    fun __constructor__() {
        print("Hello, World!")

Importing a Module

A module is imported by using the include keyword. It is followed by the name of the module. The name of the module should have to be in Pascal Case PascalCase.

import Hello